We are Closer …
- To the vineyards
SEU’s 40.000 sq m processing facility is located in one of Europe’s largest vineyard areas the area of Heraklion on the Isle of Crete. The Result of the excellent climate, ample water land, fertile soil are the thousands of acres of vineyards located around our plant that produce the both the Thomson and Sultana grape.
Thin skinned grapes sweet, tasty and make a naturally sun dried delicious raisins and the best flavored amongst table grapes.
We buy direct from the farmers where close relationships have bee built up over many dacedes. Constanly working to improve the standards of production by assisting each and every grower individually.
We are helping to educate farmers so the best quality product can be processed and packed.
- To good production processes
We are constantly applying environmentally friendly, high tech processing in which quality, efficiency accompanied by guarantee are key results.
We developed a unique classification and storage system of unprocessed produce which besides setting the foundation of our tracing system it addresses the need of every single customer direct from the field.
- To quality practices
At SEU we have a strict set of procedures that must be applied and followed at all times and are monitored continiously by our quality assurance team.
Accreditions for Food safety Qualty and Efficiency (Click the Certificates for further details):
- Hazard Analysis Control Points (HACCP)
- Good ManifacturingPractices (GMP)
- British Retail Consirtium (BRC)
- ISO 9001
- Eurepgap Option II
- Σταφίδες