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The Exporters’ Association of Crete, a Legal Entity of Private Law– of non profit character, was founded in December 1994, by the initiative of the businessmen and exporters of Crete with the collaboration and support of the Region of Crete, the Hellenic Foreign Trade Board (HEPO), the Exporters’ Association of Northern Greece (S.E.V.E.) and the Chambers of Crete. Its action and work are acknowledged by all the authorities that are active in the sector of export trade. Today, 160 Cretan exporting businesses are its members, which are active in the sectors of Foods & Beverage, Industrial products, Agricultural products- Alteration and Popular Art.
20, Dimokratias Av.
713 06 Heraklion, Crete, Greece
Tel (0030) 2810 343458
Fax (0030) 2810 343459