Niktaris Bakeries is a family-owned enterprise, based in Sises, Mylopotamo in Crete.
The company specializes in the production of ‘Paksimadi’, the most common element of the Mediterranean diet. ‘Paksimadi’ is the Greek word for ‘double-baked bread’, a recipe that dates back probably as far as prehistoric times.
Niktaris brothers pride themselves on the combining of this age-old tradition of their homeland with a sophisticated, state-of-the-art production facility which they created right at the place where their ancestors produced the daily ‘paksimadi’, baked in wood burning stoves, unaltered since antiquity. Totally committed to producing breads and savouries that have that home baked flavour, our test kitchen is kept very busy researching the recipes and methods that ma k e ‘old fashioned’ baking so unique.
Although at present Niktaris Bakeries specialize in the making of ‘paksimadi’, they have proved their skills and creativity by introducing ‘Kalorizika’, the brand name for a series of biscuits based on a recipe known in Crete since the middle ages, that has proved most successful in the local as well as national market. Niktaris bros have furthered their ventures by introducing their line of Organic Products combining the much-acclaimed quality with the pureness of organic ingredients.
Niktaris brothers are a perfect example of the entrepreneurs in Crete: imaginative, skilful, enterprising and bold, yet adhering to a profound and rich culture.
- Bakery - Dough products
- Other food products