The company “CRETEL SA” is involved with the production, packaging and marketing of olive oil. The history of the company begins at 1988 when the first steps in the field were taken, the main pursuit being the collection, development and marketing of virgin olive oil from the vast oil producing region of Crete.
The company moves on to a higher level in 1988 where with considerable and worthwhile investments, a modern factory is created. A lot has changed since then. The zest and thirst of the management and its employees has brought the company to a very respectable position in the Greek market. The company’s philosophy is focusing on the constant assurance of the quality and the monitoring of the production means of the produce for consumption. The use of new technologies as well as the implementation of the latest production and packaging methods, are things that distinguish us and at the same time it creates a larger sense of responsibility on our part towards our customers. Since our aim is to provide the utmost in service, along with the assurance of our customer’s health, we have acquired the quality certificates ISO 9001, ISO 22000 and the health certificate HACCP.
The activities of our company are not confined to the Greek market – we are constantly expanding abroad, in Europe, the Americas and Australia. This is our way of making a small contribution with regard to the introduction and awareness worldwide of the Greek and more specifically Cretan health and life longevity.
- Olive oil