The Agricultural Olive Oil Cooperative of Kritsa was founded in 1927. Today, after it was merged with two neighboring cooperatives, it has in its power about 1,350 members who care for over 300,000 olive trees in the wider area of Kritsa, Laconia and Prina.
The constant and unwavering goal of the joint effort of the members of the Cooperative is the production of one of the best olive oils in the world.
In the olive oil factory of the Cooperative, the system of common grinding of the olives is successfully applied. The olives that are collected by the producers, are collected at the receiving stations in Kritsa, Lakonia and Prina and are processed the same day it’s been picked. In this way, approximately 750,000 kilos of olive oil of excellent quality are produced annually, which, as a whole, belongs to the highest quality category of “extra virgin” with an acidity almost always less than 0.3.
The modern facilities of the olive oil factory with centrifugal type machines, with a capacity of 10,000 Kg of olives per hour, are located in the settlement of Kritsa. The olive oil produced is stored in stainless steel oil tanks with a total capacity of about 800 tons.
The modern olive oil bottling plant of the Cooperative has the possibility of bottling in a wide range of packages. The olive oil factory and the bottling plant of the Cooperative have been certified according to the international standards FSSC 22000, ISO 22000, ISO 22005, ISO 9001 and BRC.
The olive oil of our Cooperative has won many quality awards in Greece and abroad.
For the olive grinding practices and the olive oil disposal practices that are applied, the Agricultural Cooperative of Kritsa has been awarded many times by SEDIK with the “Golden Minoan Olive” and the “Silver Minoan Olive”.
- Organic products
- Olive oil