AGROCRETA was founded in 1999 and is located in Vatolakko in the Municipality of Mousouron in the district of Chania in Western Crete. The company collects products which are produced in the same area, such as pure olive oils of the koroneiki and tsounati varieties, citrus fruits and chestnuts. AGROCRETA has modern building installations that are constantly being extended. It also has up to date mechanical equipment and vehicles, thus allowing the company to be independent in all the phases of the harvest.
Ensuring the high quality of our product, AGROCRETA also pays attention to something equally important: Customer services. Keeping open all avenues of communication so that potential buyers and existing customers can always contact our representatives and managers to personally discuss and resolve any problems that may arise due to special needs in their market.
Buyers can personalize our products by creating their own label.
The above points provide us with increased exports giving the opportunity to more consumers to try out and love our excellent products.
- Olive oil
- Other food products
- Fruit