Τhe Agricultural Co-operative of Thrapsano, produces one of the finest Extra virgin Olive Oil in Crete, Greece labeled Laini. Our excellent Cretan Olive Oil is a result of a unique combination of the quality of soil and climatic combinations in this semi-mountainous region, ideal for cultivation of the olive tree and production of exceptional extra virgin olive oil with acidity levels not exceeding 0.3%.
The Agricultural Co-operative of Thrapsano member-producers grow their olive trees within the geographical boundaries of the community of Thrapsano, Crete, Greece. We produce an annual volume of about 300 tons of extra virgin olive oil, varying from year to year.
Quality product, competitive pricing, and an unwavering commitment to excellence in customer service, are three reasons why we are considered as highly regarded Extra Virgin Olive Oil supplier.
As a result of this our efforts we have been certified both with EN ISO 9001:2008 & EN ISO 22000:2005 (Quality Assurance System Certificate). Laini label also bear the European Union Certificate of Origin P.D.O. (Protected Designation of Origin).
- Organic products
- Olive oil