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By Friday January 24th, 2025February 25th, 2025Actions, News/Announcements

Call for tenders for the selection, through an Open Competitive Procedure, of an “implementing body” in charge of the implementation of the information and promotion activities foreseen by the programme ” THE EXCELLENCE OF EUROPEAN OLIVE GROWING IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND SWITZERLAND” (acronym ECCEUKCH)”.

OL.MA. Collegio Toscano degli Olivicoltori has launched a Call for Tenders for the selection, through an Open Competitive Procedure, of an “Implementing Body” in charge – subject to the signing of the Grant Agreement with REA (European Research Executive Agency – for the implementation of the information and promotion activities of the Programme titled “The excellence of European olive growing in the United Kingdom and Switzerland (ECCEUKCH)” promoted by OP OL.MA., OP LATIUM and EAC and financed by the European Commission pursuant to Regulation (EU) No. 1144/2014. Agencies and Companies interested in sending their proposals for participation in the Call for Tenders are invited to consult the attached documentation.

The deadline for the receipt of tenders is set for 14 February 2025, at 12.00 (Italian time).

UPDATE 18/2/2025: Appointment of evaluation committee



The selection procedures took place on the 21st of February 2025 and the Agency GRAPHO S.r.l. was awarded the contract.