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“Go International” goes to Crete

By Thursday May 11th, 2017October 9th, 2019Actions, Business Delegations

GoInCrete”,the 7th Business Meeting Program in the context of Eurobank’s “Go International”initiative, is taking place this year, at Crete, between May 24th – May 26th.

Go International” started in 2009, as a high scale initiative by Eurobank, aiming to enhance the extroversion of the Greek economy and to facilitate business meetings between Greek exporting companies and preselected buyers from major international markets.

Till today, 6 business missions have concluded successfully (Romania/2010, Cyprus/2011, Serbia/2011, Romania/2012, Russia/2012 and Greece/2016) and these delegations facilitated more than 7.650 B2B meetings among 520 Greek companies and 880 foreign buyers.

GoInCrete” is the 2nd Business Meeting Program to be held inGreece, following “Go In Athens” that took place in March 2016, in Athens. It will give the chance to more than 100 Greek exporters to come in contact with around 50 prominent international buyers, and it aims at more than 1.000 prescheduled B2B meetings among Greek and foreign entrepreneurs.

During the event,,, an internationally recognized exports portal, created and operated by Eurobank, which functions in its renewed version from today, is going to be presented to participating companies. As of May 10th, has been further enhanced, offering the opportunity to Greek companies to expand their international business by becoming a member of the Trade Club”, a global business network built through the collaboration of 16 international banks, extending to more than 20 countries.

During the 1st day of “GoInCrete” a Forum and Open Discussion will take place with the participation of top executives from Eurobank, representatives of co–organizers and supporters of the event. Prescheduled B2B meetings are going to be held throughout the duration of the three – day event.

GoInCrete” is held under the auspices of the Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs and is co–organized with:

  • The Exporters’ Association of Crete (SEK)
  • The cooperation of the Panhellenic Exporters Association (PEA), the Greek International Business Association (SEVE), the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV) and the Greek Tourism Confederation (SETE).

The 7th Business Meeting Program of “Go International” is supported by the Spanish banking group Santander, the European Bank for Reconstruction & Development (EBRD) and Export Credit Insurance Organization (ECIO).