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New Quality Award for the The EVOO of Vassilakis Estate for 2016

By Tuesday October 4th, 2016July 19th, 2017Actions

On the 7th International Mediterranean Olive Oil Competition in Jerusalem in June 2016, Vassilakis Estate, from the Mirabello of Crete, received a new distinction for its EVOO “charisma”.


Over 60 different olive oil producing regions participated in the competition, with over 500 different olive oil samples. The popular product “charisma” won the GOLD AWARD and is now enriching its collection by making its awards 8 in national and international competitions.


“charisma” is the result of the co-operation of Vassilakis Estate with the local olive producers. It is an Extra Virgin Olive Oil from the olive variety koroneiki with a very balanced flavor. You can use it in all your kitchen creations and enjoy it in all your dishes and salads!